Days go on and on and I cannot stop thinking about How I Met Your Mother’s ending.
First things first, I think Barney and Robin were a wild couple together and it was great to see them together. But I felt that their relationship was like a mad adventure whose feelings will eventually fade off one day or another. And that’s what did happen. We may stride and roam every corner of the world, but the corner where our home lies is always the best one I think. And Robin’s home is obviously Ted, so the first part of Robin separating from Barney was quite obvious considering both their characters.
Now with Ted, people may or may not agree with the writers’ decision to kill the mother. But I think if that’s what they have been building over all these years with hints spread over seasons, I have no problem with the mother’s death. Ted and Tracy shared a special connection and her death doesn’t even diminish an ounce of that bond. After her death, we can only imagine what Ted went through.
Brb, crying like Ted from that Farhampton Inn scene where they talk about mothers being present in daughters’ weddings!
You’ll remember the episode where Robin reveals that she can never be a pole vaulter (iykyk) and she breaks our hearts along with hers? And when she returns home, there is the man who knew there was something seriously wrong, yet he never wanted to know what exactly it was, lent his shoulders to Robin and said one of the most heart-touching lines ever.
Kids, your aunt Robin never became a pole vaulter.
But she did become a famous journalist, a successful businesswoman,
a world traveller, she was even briefly a bullfighter.
But there was one thing your aunt Robin never was: she was never alone.
If Ted ensured that Robin was never alone, why can’t we accept the fact that neither Ted should be alone and he deserved to get back to Robin now that Tracy is no more? At times, all we need is a shoulder to cry and smile on and it doesn’t mean that the love we had for one is bogus just because we finally ended up with another loved one.
And kids, that’s how my dislike for the HIMYM’s climax gradually wore out day by day to its end via this major musing. Major musing!

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