In Kammatipaadam (2016) directed by Rajeev ravi, when Krishnan (Dulquer Salman) visits Rosamma (Amalda Liz) to inquire about Ganga’s (Vinayakan) whereabouts, the boy who opens the door asks Krishnan where he is from. When Krishnan says ‘Kammatipaadam‘, the boy responds in a way that he never knew such a place.
Isn’t that what the movie is entirely about? A metro city built over the marshy farm lands which favoured the development of a few over many. So that the generations after Krishnan and Ganga never knew the original neighbourhood over which the skyscrapers were built. The universality of this issue makes ‘Kammatipaadam‘ more than a gangster movie. What if such movies were never made? Most of us Millennials and Gen Z would have stayed blind in the sense similar to the boy who opened the door. ‘Kammatipaadam‘ is one fine example to steer Indian cinema in the way to more and more stories that were never told or were suppressed.
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